23 May 2008

Memory Albums....

'Memory Albums'
7" x 5"
$40 AU each.

(Contact me if you would like to order one.)

I've been busy creating these
'Memory Albums', using antique curtain rings,
music scores, and old botanical illustrations.
They're ideal as keepsakes for saving all those
little mementos and ephemera...
bits and pieces that you can't bare to throw away.
I particularly admire the old designs and lettering
styles of the early nineteen hundreds, as seen here
on these papers. Much care and artistry was taken
in the designs of these old scores.
The albums are seen here sitting atop the
window sills in our old house.


7 May 2008

When one comes back from a trip to the
dentist, all you want to do is snuggle up with
a warm cup of tea in front of the fire...
especially when it's 10 degrees outside
and you've taken public transport.
I was sitting in my lounge room, with a cup of earl
grey, and had to take some photos of this very
serene moment. The cushion is hand stitched by 'moi'.
The original pattern -
featuring in a book of tapestries
adapted from William Morris' designs
by Beth Russell.
As it happens, we have a crabapple tree on our
front lawn...should start cooking with them soon!