A wee family hand-down.
'The Blue Book' sits on my dresser
That's why I blog...primarily.
I like to indulge in the pleasure of taking picturesque
shots from around the home. Especially when one has a beautiful
antique dinner setting such as this one-
offered to me by my mother-in-law when previously turned
down by all other members of her family -
because it's too
That's why I blog...primarily.
I like to indulge in the pleasure of taking picturesque
shots from around the home. Especially when one has a beautiful
antique dinner setting such as this one-
offered to me by my mother-in-law when previously turned
down by all other members of her family -
because it's too
As you can see, the makers mark as being
'Warwicks of Scotland' established in the 1800's.
A close look at the dinnerware will delight the viewer
with romantic landscapes featuring castles, old ships
and flora running the rim of the plates.
Exquisite artistry all round, and to be admired and revered
for it's artistic merit...
not because it happens to be unfashionable at this point in time.

on the reverse. Made in England.
I like to serve scones or sweet things on these when
visitors arrive.
And yes, I do use this setting on occasions-
I would be mad not to! Although with two
young children, everyday use would be unpractical.
Special occasions only!