27 February 2014

Busy morning rush, 9 am. Sun rising in the east and soft light , tells of the autumn
days coming. A 50's Bushells tea tin that we found tucked away behind a corner cupboard in our old house. I bet it has many stories to tell. 

24 February 2014

On my dresser.
Papery , crumpled,
  Faded blue hydrangeas.

21 February 2014

As always, I've been painting. I rarely sell my art, as I don't do it for commercial reasons. If  I did, I believe my work would suffer and lose it's very essence.. So, this morning after a tedious time in the job search office, I am back to the best place in the world. Home.

13 February 2014

A little show and tell today. In case you didn't know, I love sewing all manner of useful items for the family and around the house. When sewing for my partner , I have a favorite shirt pattern that I use over and over again. For this particular shirt I used sand washed linen in white - the buttons are from my stash that I collect from second hand shops. They don't match, and and it is this non-uniformity  that says confidently that it's custom made and  hand crafted!

The cushion covers are hand crocheted and patched from remnants, and instead of throwing away our arm chair covers, I patch them instead. This is just how I intend the overall look to be and it is this- honest hand crafted charm that is not to perfect.