The joys of life without a car. Spotted these two young ring tail possums on one of our regular walking routes. Nestled in the fork of a large old gum tree, their nest is only 2 metres above the ground so I am worried about them being so close to the road side. I'll just let them be, as transferring them to a new spot may confuse the mother. Nature knows best. Photo credit to my daughter Camille.
Meanwhile, back home, I've been testing my marlinespike skills once again - this time on a set of coasters using the turks head knot. Cotton washing line cord in a natural color was my material of choice, and I'm glad of the way they turned out. I must say, my handiwork , including the front door mat has been much admired these past months. Is an enjoyable past time, and only requires patience on the part of the crafts person. Here's the tutorial I followed.