30 April 2014

just wet

at home this morning. has been raining heavily and subsequently, haven't been able to venture out at all. Just been having a morning tea break from my usual morning routine. Clean up the kids rooms a little, scrub some dishes at the sink, ( no washing machines for me) and mop the kitchen floors as they were becoming  rather grubby looking. The weather isn't really that inspiring, and I  should start painting some more....

26 April 2014

Been painting today. .... with my hands as tools on paper. Frees up my style somewhat which I was what I had intended. The painting is an extension on my other white cloud series , but with a sombre note this time.
No longer a 'white cloud drifting', but rather a 'polluted cloud drifting'.
In the foreground, my husband's sheet music on the table.

22 April 2014

eco printing

Playing around with eco printing techniques or the extraction of ink from the leaves and flowers of petals through the use of a mallet or hammer. For this project I used an assortment of plant material from the garden -  
dandelion flowers, nasturtium flowers and petals, hibiscus flowers and autumn leaves from the maple tree, which incidentally, gave some good satisfying purple, red and green tones. I covered a handmade cardboard box with my printed fabric and now the box is used for collecting interesting treasures found from nature. ....lichen  on twigs, stones, feathers, flowers for drying and so on.