14 September 2014

 fresh and  sweet illustration from a  'livre de la francaise' sits propped up on display at our place. Plum blossoms , freesias, lilys, grape hyacinths, daffodils and jonquils, are all blooming in the garden.They are always a joy to bring inside and place in vases dotted around the house.

 a beautiful dresser from inside the kitchen at Schwerkolt Cottage..... every now and then we take a walk there, and today was Heritage Day at the cottage which in  itself happened to be open, so we were able to at last - enter and inspect. I took a few photos which I may post in future. In particular, a beautiful hand worked and patched hexagonal quilt cover which grabbed my attention, for the sole reason in that I myself am working slowly on one at this point of time. It is a time consuming task that takes patience and perseverance, but really good things take time, and the quilt will be a beautiful heirloom once finished.
If we all crafted our own wares, mending them when necessary, just as they did in times of old, I am sure we would not throw out as much as we do today.  There is a reason for this, and this is because something made with our own hands - that has taken time and skill to achieve, is a real accomplishment and therefore, so much more valuable and personal than anything money can buy.  

2 September 2014

Under southern skies

Today's cumulus clouds as viewed from the backyard. So majestically beautiful. 

Reading 'Quiet - the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking'.  

Thrift shop purchase of fabric and two lovely cushions  as a result to keep my creative desire satisfied. Mending and patching my slip covers adds real charm and character.  And a recent watercolor of pink  blossom and Lily's from the garden. 

hooray for Spring!