24 January 2017

le studio

19 January 2017

16 January 2017

Found this pretty at our local fruit shop. 
Purchased on this hot day for the family. Served with ice and a glass d'eau,' tis very nice with a distinct flavour.

7 January 2017

Striped tablecloth becomes curtain.

You can tell we're hot here. Too hot to continue our usual activities outside. today, photographs of our laundry. This old table was being discarded by a neighbour, so, realising the quality of the piece, and it's simple functional design, i gave it a good clean in borax solution, ( as it bears evidence of woodworm infestation). I then Painted the legs and scrubbbed the top thouroughly. No sign of wood worm in the last three years of ownership which is excellent.
Galvanized tin bucket from a friend. 
HAndmade soap by me.

6 January 2017

So , so hot at 36 degrees here in Melbourne.
Just a little to do today at home. Washing out  on the line this morning, then spent an hour or so sketching on the ipad.
This afternoon while leafing through a Peppermint magazine on loan from the library, I came across a coconut and tahini cookie recipe that requires setting in the fridge ie no baking involved , so I had a go at those. 
I feel I must keep moving on days like these as when I sit down I seem to fell the heat more, or become more aware of it.
Now I'm off to try one of these cool and tasty looking morsels.

2 January 2017

french blue and french seamed

 Baking today. Fig and walnut slice.
Nice to eat with a cup of earl grey while sewing
another project yet to be revealed.