30 April 2017

Sunday afternoon tea with the family.....

....over candlelight. The classic Boston Bun becomes vegan after subbing an egg for 1 teaspoon baking soda and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. A hit - always.

No one at home this morning, felt like the floorboards needed a freshen up, so out came the mop. Satisfied now, as the rooms feel hygeinic and clean. Could I ever live in a carpeted house again? No.

25 April 2017

A trip to city basement books yesterday and I came home with this book amongst a couple of others. Have not visited the store since it moved location and was pleasantly surprised by the huge range, in particular  the antartica section which I discovered to be a treasure trove. Easily the largest range of books specializing on the subject that I have ever come across in person. Numerous old rare books by various explorers, including Sir Douglas Mawson and Roald Amundsen made it dfficult for me to choose. I came away with Fourteen Men at Heard Island and The Great WHite South - the latter clothed in a beautiful but heavily damaged dust jacket, nothing that I couldn't repair though with a little care. Armed with the acid free glue , paper and watercolors, the book looks well cared for and presentable now. Should be a good read over a cuppa. Alas, Chocolate cake will have to wait for the next celebration. 

3 April 2017

Early this morning I noticed the hot steam evaporating off the washcloth over the kitchen sink and realized the days are getting cooler as winter approaches. This year, I'm welcoming the cooler weather over the hot summer for some reason. I'm not sure why as I usually don't mind the heat of summer. Maybe it's age creeping up on me.
With the cooler weather comes baking. Today I made some blueberry muffins, and as predicted, I had to hide the few that were left at the end of the day, else I would see none tomorrow. Tis a compliment on my cooking prowess I guess.
School holidays are here, and we're relishing the idle mornings. The Exception is tomorrow, where we'll be up earlier  to make a trip into the city and then onto the vegan friendly, Brunswick Street Fitzroy. I know it is difficult living as a vegan in a cruel and callous, meat crazed society, but we can feel fortunate knowing that Melbourne is rated the 5th most vegan friendly city in the world. It's nice to know we have company.
Even better to realize , we were amongst the first trail blazers, all  those years ago. Veganism has progressed in leaps and bounds in the last 27 years of my experience.

It's very promising.