28 April 2019

this sunday morning.
On getting up out of bed , the view through the laundry window. 
A few hours later, Ed picked some heirloom varieties from the garden. 

26 April 2019

grey, grey day. and not enough rain. 
leaf fall from warrandyte offset with garden foliage.
 brightens up a dreary day somewhat.

20 April 2019


 a new nook for drawing and reading.....

Muffin cups cut down to size to accommodate chocolate truffles  for easter.

and yet More chocolate.
eds birthday a couple of weeks ago.

5 April 2019

Autumn arrangement today. Lots of round shapes repeating in the composition. 
 Picked from the garden - rose hips,  pittosporum and remains of the agapanthus flowers. 

1 April 2019

Kitchen pantry got a makeover yesterday. I rush of energy came over me that I can only attribute to  the new italian coffee percolator that's entered the household. Gone is the former bright blue paint, and over it is a shade of black that was pushed back by means of rubbing off the paint carefully with a rag. Now, the cupboard  no longer looks like an odd ball in the kitchen but fits in well with the surrounds. 

And, I finally got around to making a sour dough starter. 
Last night's result.