29 June 2019

A mysterious visitor last week.

We were in the kitchen, it was 7 degrees outside, and the windows were frosted up with condensation as is the norm in our old house. It was 11.30 am and we were  doing the washing up at the kitchen sink, when we caught sight of an old familiar, making the most of the warm sun in the backyard. Ambrose snuck out with the camera, but quick as a flash the fox dissapeared behind the old bungalow where son quickly captured this image. 

For the remainder of the day, the winter sun stayed out for us; 
 mid - afternoon light , again enchanting the living room. 
Crochet is slow as I wait for the opportune time to obtain the correct yarn according to the colour palette of this rug.... ( The yarn used for this project is only sourced from thrift shops. )

.....and where there's a chance, Cheetah makes herself comfortable ......
As she murmurs and squeeks in her slumber, I wonder what she dreams about. Does she think of the fox , knowing all her secrets? 

23 June 2019

sherbrooke forest

 After the rain the sun glistened on leaves and ferns, while joy was felt in the glow of it's warmth. 

 the crisp fresh air cleared the cobwebs and I came home with nourishing memories.
 That was all I needed. 

20 June 2019

just cold.

still only 8 degrees outside, so to warm the kitchen i baked a date and walnut loaf' 
So delicious, and healthy to boot. 

19 June 2019

In the garden, creamy white roses, a neglected teacup and a lone iris.
Cheetah unaware of the photographer as she takes sips from the bird baths. 

The temperature is a nippy 8 degress as we approach the shortest day of the year. Despite the cold and dreary days, there are some where the sunshine makes an appearance, as was the case this afternoon. In the garden, hibiscus and camellias are in bloom, as is this mysterious shrub and it's pretty red berries. 

9 am this morning.

I've been experimenting with natural plant dyes again. In the pot recently , black beans and a hand sewn cotton cushion cover as the experiment. I'm satisfied with the resulting soft grey.

15 June 2019

The vegan devonshire tea - at home of course. I have yet to come across a cafe that offers this version. We use whipped coconut cream which is superb. 

.......and this morning i was delighted to be presented with this sight.

8 June 2019

i quick capture while the light lasted

1 June 2019

Cool autumn mornings call for baked apple and strawberry porridge,
the earth lovers way. Atleast there's some of us.....few people can be counted on in these dark times, but there are those that give me hope .  And to help lift the feelings of despondency, I had a crack at making a peg bag to brighten up the laundry. Made of salvaged pieces from past items, it gives me a little cheer every time I pass it.