13 January 2021

empty nest!

I was a little concerned today, when on my daily inspection of 'the nest', to find it empty. Looking up to the nearby tree, the male parent didn't look too concerned and after a few moments of quiet listening  the short sweet chirps of the younger blackbirds became apparent.  Sure enough, in the safe cover of the lemon tree, I found one well camouflaged fledgling perched on an overheard branch, and staring right at me.

Safe tidings to you sweet bird and your siblings..


12 January 2021

 A book full of lovely ( and not so lovely - enter the unsustainable recipes ) content. Do I purchase a desirable tome built on these principles or remain content with it being a library item. Hmmmm.....

11 January 2021

 Very hot day today so quick capture with the zoom lens while the parents were away searching for their succulent and moist feed.

10 January 2021

 eyes open...

8 January 2021

Tidied up the eau de cologne mint, parsley and sage bushes this evening, so popped the trimmings into a jug - just for their refreshing fragrance and wholesome presence indoors. Little tweeters meanwhile, are coming on nicely. There had been a raucous affair a few days ago, when I was alerted to  a flurry of chirping and earnest activity by the blackbird parents. I was soon to discover the mayhem  was caused by a nosy, hungry currawong, and the blackbirds did a most gallant job of defending their nursery.  Tonight however, all is silent. I suspect that silence will be broken once the parents arrive back to the nest.


7 January 2021

3 January 2021

today in the patch

Soap wort in flower......

The bee garden....

 Flowering at the moment .... rudbeckia, calendula and  alyssum. The wee purple flower I have yet to identify.