27 April 2021

23 April 2021

flowering cosmos today.

 I would imagine this flower would look wonderful in abundance so Am slowly collecting the seeds from the dried flowerheads for future use.

14 April 2021

 Very well built  Ms Orb Weaver discovered in the front yard.
maybe the largest I have ever come across. Abdomen looked about 3cm in length.

13 April 2021

9 April 2021

 Cool day. 
Baked a recipe from Jane Goodall's vegan cookbook - a Cranberry and Apple Crumble Slice.
 Began eating and realised it needed something on the side, then just at that moment, 
son messaged while out , asking if we needed anything at the supermarket. 
So I waited until he arrived home, with a tub of vegan cream
which finished it off nicely.

5 April 2021

Nook nook sleeping in a nice sunny spot at the end of my drawing desk.