30 May 2021

From the soil to the table

 The jerusalem artichokes having finished giving their joyful sunny yellow flowers, have died back. However, this plant keeps just on giving - the stalks become so tall, they collapse , revealing the convoluted and strangely shaped artichokes that are normally hidden beneath the earth. A couple are tinged with green, which I cut off and the rest are cut up and roasted with olive oil, garlic, salt and thyme. Such a satisfying thing it is to eat what you have grown and nurtured.

29 May 2021

 cosmos and  vietnamese mint by the kitchen window 

 Favorite pair of over the knee socks I purchased some 7 years ago, are still doing service due to darning of  the heels when holes appear.  In this most vulnerable section of the sock, and being out of sight, the darning doesn't have to be labored over too much in an attempt at perfection. Unnecessary waste annoys me, so where possible I will fix. 

14 May 2021

 The first approval.

10 May 2021

 Edwins' corner and a chai latte this afternoon. 
So far the quilt remains untouched by furry paws.

9 May 2021

A pleasant and quiet day this Mothers Day. 
Offspring were out and about for much of the time, 
so felt inspired to sew up a small patchwork quilt for the
 cats to snuggle in on the front porch seat.
 I retrieved an old piece of hexagon patchwork that I had sewn a 
few years back, added some borders made of fabric remnants 
and backed the piece with sheeting to fit from my stash.
 It was good excuse to use up some of the odds and ends from
 the 'lucky dip' l'ucello purchase too. 
The question is - will the scrutinizing felines like it?
Will this piece of lovingly made patchwork appease their finely tuned olfactory senses? 
It remains to be seen.

7 May 2021

 This afternoon  a king parrot paid a visit but was wary of alighting on the bird table. While he was deciding, two confident lorikeets made an appearance followed by a group of spotted doves who preferred to fossick for the tidbits dropped on the ground . Shortly after the beautiful king parrot flew off to the mulberry tree and watched from a distance. I stopped photographing at this point, so I wonder did the king parrot did get his chance in the end?

1 May 2021

sleepy cat