24 March 2022


Seeing as we had to leave my last hand made garden trellis behind when we moved, I got around to making another today. This time with some experience under my belt, the process was easier. I made use of some pruned branches of plum sapling and cotoneaster and after about two hours it's nearly there. It will look a treat smothered in beans and flowering plants.
This backyard was a sorry neglected space when we first moved in , however, in six months a transformation is already taking place. Where there were bare garden beds are now flowering herbs, massive rhubarb, tomatoes a plenty and a sprawling pumpkin vine. Baby lettuces, a globe artichoke in its infancy, chives, oregano, borage , nasturtium and cosmos. Maybe the most satisfying thing of all is when not only the bees, but the blue banded bees visit as well. 

4 March 2022

 Beautiful handmade dish from a young lady in Doncaster.