30 July 2023

Kaatje eyeing out the birds this morning.

23 July 2023

Sporting a head cold today. Should be studying but not feeling it. 
It's Sunday, so, a day of rest. 
Set up a cosy corner of the lounge room, the single armchair is facing the window and I have an old box crate as a coffee table. With Katje by my side what more could I want?



15 July 2023

July Sunset


14 July 2023


Was in need of a small shoulder bag so created one with a used sheet, of which was 3x layered and then embroidered to make a thick stable fabric. The strap is adjustable by means of threading through a fabric loop and then knotting to the required length. First use today, and was found to be very convenient. A simple, highly productive bag, with a Japanese influence. 

12 July 2023

Westerly window view

A quiet evening. 


4 July 2023

7pm, 11 degrees, drizzle, Escorted Camille to the bus stop and waited with her for a bus that was 15 minutes late. 

Photo credit to Edwin