A few images from my abode this morning.
Awoke early, to do a bit of xmas shopping,
taking a leisurely 20 minute walk to the shopping centre.
The streets were quiet, the odd car or noisy motor bike
disturbing the peace
every now and then.
But what bliss to not own a car and be in touch
with natures elements. My mind wandering, as I looked at
the deep blue skies above me,
of the ocean not all that far away.
The sea breezes and salt sea air beckoning me.
Alas I can feel it out there, but today I would have to dream....
as I set about my daily business.

I made an arrangement yesterday consisting of
hydrangeas from the garden, on the mantelpiece.
keen on obscuring the ugly gas heater now that it will no
longer be of any use over the coming summer months.
It took some time before I was happy with my choice of painting.
My husband painted this one in oils some time ago
titled 'Breezy Day'. I think it sits well with the floral arrangement.

My xmas shopping is finished. For the children only
I'm glad to say. I refuse to pander to the commercialism
surrounding this season and buy very little as I believe love
cannot be measured by the material things we give to people,
much as the corporate world try to brainwash the
general public into believing otherwise.
For the future of our planet - I sincerely pray .
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