Xmas passed smooothly, being a wonderful catch- up
with relatives. Lots of laughs, chatter , good food and fine company.
I feel very fortunate to belong to a loving and accepting family.
Holiday time for the kids and the living is easy.
The weather has cleared and it finally feels like summer is here.
Today, a mild 25 degrees, conditions just right to relax out in the backyard
under the shade of our tall gum tree with the company of the local birds.
Among these were Noisy Miners, Sulfur Crested Cockatoos and Musk Lorikeets
twittering high above in the tree top, all the while I, reading a little natty book
I picked up long ago for 20 cents, and a favorite ever since.
I have learn t much from this humble little publication.
Proof that the best things in life don't cost money but instead, feed your intellect -
which I think, is priceless.
With loads of information on cloud formations and weather patterns,
I have been able to study and
document some of the cloud species found drifting past over our neighbourhood...
all conveniently photographed from our backyard.

A few retro looking diagrams from
the little book published in 1971 by Green Ltd
Eucalyptus in the backyard
lorikeets hiding in the uppermost branches....
Windswept high altitude Cirrus clouds indicating more fine weather on the way.
Cirrostratus - high , windswept clouds made up of mostly ice crystals
and Alto Cumulus or 'Mackerel Sky'.
And like so many artists before me, the sky is a source of inspiration.
Hence the paintings that I am currently inspired to create.
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