12 June 2018

it's cold outside,  and being confined to the lounge room most days, (as it is our only source of heating) , I notice acutely, the subtle changes in light that take place throughout the day. On some clear days, at about three o clock in the afternoon , the sun sneaks in through the window, spreading  it's ethereal rays of light across the centre of the room. A fleeting moment that lasts less than 30 minutes, the coffee table and it's contents are highlighted  in the centre of the   room, and as my handiwork is always on the table, the scene is always enchanting. 

Sunday saw me bake a boston bun for afternoon tea that was appreciated by all and survived not more than two days. 

Yesterday, saw me tackle a long frustrating laundry issue concerning a dysfunctional curtain.
Rather than spend money on materials, I found an unused cotton sheet, folded it in half and attached several curtain rings. Problem solved.

......and today, a quick cover up for a broken pane of window glass.

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