6 March 2020

 This place.

It felt as if we were transported to Europe.

I particularly liked this little lime-washed, mudbrick hut and couldn't resist having a peek through the glass windows to see what was inside. Many puppets were suspended from the ceiling and there was a narrow wooden staircase that went to the floor above. The back wall was illuminated in light, where there was just a glimpse of an eerie, life sized dummy  sitting on a seat. 

Outside, hidden against the wall, in a corner, was a dreamy little spot where a couple of steel chairs sat with a table whose surface was smothered in various pot plants. Just the place to spend a lazy afternoon reading .  Nothing was precious or neat, but relaxed and left to decay a little here and there and weeds allowed to grow freely between the brick paving. A place where  invertabrae,  lizards, and other small creatures would  feel comfortable visiting.

I might post some more photos of this visit another time, but for now, I'll finish up with
the William Morris design cushion that I completed recently. 
The stuffing was made from an old clean towel that I had cut up into strips and then into 1 inch squares. To my surprise, this was quite adequate. It made a firmer, slightly heavier pillow, but also readily fluffs up when coaxed a little.  

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