18 August 2020


Trimmed off some lavender from the bushy plant in our front yard ....
Wrapped in some brown paper and hung upside down to dry before transferring to bags. these will be popped into drawers and cupboards to store with clothing and linen.

A wander around the garden in the warmth of the morning sun and a keen eye, there are many discoveries to make.....
This lichen possesses  amazing color and texture.
and there are also blossoms every where.

later in the day, everyone likes a treat after our daily walk. 
Our hot chocolates have stepped up a notch in the taste factor with the addition of home made almond praline crumbled on top  as a garnish. Here, sitting alongside a find on the streets this afternoon by Camille.


1 comment:

edwin said...

Winter is dragging its feet,waiting for a spring in its step!