3 March 2021

already its autumn....

Colder days are an opportunity to bake. 
Whipped up some tahini and almond cookies, 
this time using black tahini that we picked up during our stay in South Gippsland.

We still have sunflowers blooming and the gem corn is growing to ten feet tall....
the Jerusalem Artichokes even taller still. 
When they flower, I'll enjoy taking cuttings to bring inside. 
Unsettled times here, as we became aware recently that we are to be evicted from 
this lovely old house due to the sale of the property. 
No doubt, its destiny is to be dull dozed until nothing remains, and in its' place, concrete and brick  two story dwellings built for people who like being crammed in close proximity to their neighbors,
 rather than savor the sweet smells of green filtered air or interact with the natural world that depends on such conditions.
So, we've been threatened with this scenario before and were still here. Will this be just another repeat
of former days, or will we actually have to move on? I wonder.


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