This afternoon, while staking the cafe au lait dahlia, one of the blooms dropped off.
I thought she looked so pretty paired with a fresh strawberry, so fetched the camera to take some shots before her demise.
A photo shoot then followed on this warm, sunny March day.
The bee chateau has been quiet. I've noticed only one native bee busying itself
around one of the 'rooms'. Our yard doesn't have enough mature native trees that would otherwise attract the smaller natives bees to the garden.
The veggie plot looking so lush these days. Several pumpkins are in the offing....
....Lots of sweet corn, not quite ready to pick.
First year raspberry plants (that won't fruit until next year) growing happily amongst strawberries, sweet/potatoes and thyme....
Other edibles growing in the garden at this time are borage, calendula, various mints, oregano, pennywort, allysum, violets, tomatoes, yam daisy, dandelion, Jerusalem artichokes, silverbeat, rhubarb, climbing bean, parsley and blueberry.