20 July 2024

9 degrees celsius

The persistent rain over the last week has made us feel like castaways on a sub antarctic island. 
Walks have been few, as the weather has seen us confined indoors for the majority of the time. 
Thought it a good opportunity to get the oven going, heat the house up a bit and bake some vegan scones. 


18 July 2024

A routine walk around the streets saw us trim an overhanging branch of wattle  - for the sake of pedestrian safety, but also for the retrieval of the lovely blooms. Again, my camera couldn't resist capturing the beautiful warm glow of the fluffy yellow blossoms. 

16 July 2024

wet days

 Polar blast of cold weather over Victoria has seen us indoors over these last two days.  Took the opportunity to capture some scenes from the garden between downpours.

14 July 2024

Cold day. Enjoying lace knitting in white cotton. I might use this as a trim on a linen pillowcase. 


13 July 2024

This afternoon


11 July 2024

On this cold winters day, Cosette sleeps beneath a berg photographed by Frank Hurley.

Unintentional colour choices reveal the family's favourite palette inside our kitchen cupboard.. 

 The sun arrived in the afternoon, casting pretty light on a postal arrival. 

9 July 2024

 A trip to an electronics store in Moorabbin today to improve the playing capabilities of a new blu ray player, led to a curiosity fuelled expedition of the surrounding locality. First, Sandringham for a cappuccino and then a walk to Red Bluff, in rainy, cold conditions. En route, a necessary walk through a watery estuary meant my shoes and socks got wet, but it was worth it. The high eroded cliffs of Red Bluff were raw and imposing, and the weather helped to emphasise its wild spirit.  

Back home, two rounds of hot chocolate were most welcome.