28 April 2018

afternoon light falling upon my handwork 
a view of the trees across the road from my window .

27 April 2018

autumn treasures

a quiet wander around the garden today, collecting nature treasures and arranging them in an old tin box. What did I find? Soft and delicate seeds of the artichoke flower, dried up flower bracts of grape hyacinth, seed pods from the judas tree, spiky seeds and red autumn leaves of the liquid amber

26 April 2018

Made a visit to this rather unusual looking op shop in ferntree gully last week.  I picked up some more yarn for my ongoing project and edwin found a classic by Emily Bronte. 

...and it was anzac day yesterday . 

21 April 2018

misty april morning

this morning , a sleep in til 9 , and was greeted by a most welcome view through our large kitchen window. I wonder how it would have looked a couple of hours earlier....

20 April 2018