28 April 2020

Came across an online sourdough course and have learnt some new techniques. 
A productive and useful way to use this time of isolation.

Two that I baked recently - one colored with turmeric and the other with cocoa. 

20 April 2020

14 April 2020

busy day

Set up a cleaning station near the back door, with trusty hand made soap on the ready.....
Note the little hand prints left by a little enthusiastic artist some years ago. That same little artist is all grown up now. 

A little cutting from a mature lemon verbena plant brought home. 
Now lets see if she shoots....


Beautiful Iris flower has paid us a visit for a few days.

Have been digging a trench a round the pottager in an attempt to stop the couch grass from sending its runners through the soil and in amongst the herbs and vegetables. The soil is damp and therefore easily dug up with the spade. It should also be a lot  easier now to trim the edges of long grass with the mower instead of pulling them out by hand from the previous brick border.

A peep through the window into the old studio.

Hibiscus in bloom.

Miniature rose growing in the most unexpected of places. I can only guess it loves the warmth of the stone border.

Old rose and  Abraham Darby Rose .

Just a few autumn blooms so brought one inside.

Patched sheet on the line. Because why buy a new one when I have a sewing machine and a healthy collection of fabric remnants at my disposal?

9 April 2020

If Thoreau could see us now....

Thank God man cannot fly and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.’ Henry David Thoreau.

A Recent article from the Gaurdian states-

’An Iata spokesman said: “It is true that because of demand from people in developing economies to enjoy the same benefits of flying as those in rich countries, aviation emissions growth is currently faster than our efficiency gains.’

‘The total increase over the past five years was equivalent to building about 50 coal-fired power plants, the ICCT calculated. The study shows the UK is responsible for 4% of global aviation CO2 emissions, behind only the US (24%) and China (13%).’

I discovered through my research, that the aviation industry was expected to to produce 900 million tonnes of co2 this year. Given the current circumstances, It will be interesting to see the outcome .
It’s been wonderful however, to see the polluted air decreasing in highly industrialised places in the world such as China and India.....the wildlife returning to areas that used to be bustling with human activity. While earth enjoys a reprieve at the moment, it will be all back to business as usual before we know it sadly. 

6 April 2020

lots of weather

 Earlier last week the weather conditions were sunny and mild,
but that changed. Yesterday was fairly miserable and we were indoors most of the day.
 Managed to escape for a walk around the streets however, as ironically our usual walk along the creek trail is all of a sudden, very popular with few observing the social distancing rules. 
Strange people out there. 

Teddy in the spirit of things, is joining in on the 'spot a teddy in the streets' trend.
I think he is rather pensive about the state of the world today.
He doesn't understand why humans eat meat, thus starting pandemics, and also insist on travelling overseas - thus enabling the spread of deadly viruses.

another  good excuse to heat up the kitchen.!