30 October 2023

Yesterdays skies, 

and todays flowers. 


complemented by a surprisingly delicious vegan, 'overnight tiramisu oats' for lunch. 

28 October 2023

 Started the day lawn mowing, and despite problems with the machine, managed to repair and finish the task. The curse that is hay fever made me determined to rid the property of grass seeds, in the hope that a little relief might follow. After a good shower, I set to work on a linen thrift shop skirt. The adjustments made have transformed this poorly designed garment into a flattering, well fitting addition to my wardrobe. While sewing I couldn't resist capturing the light falling on the plant stand this afternoon. to improve the view however, I feel the window sill clutter will have to go. 

22 October 2023

8 October 2023

Offerings to the Fae.

Finally the mysterious thorny bush has flowered and thus identified as Rosa Setigera or Climbing Rose. 

Garden magic this afternoon.

 A gift from the deep seas, packaged in a small paper bundle. Mermaids treasure.