29 December 2019

That was Xmas Day 2019. I felt inspired to make another Gingerbread House this year as it's been a while since I last made one. At the time of writing it is slowly  undergoing demolition. :-)

An all good , delicious vegan spread was laid out on the family dinner table. 

The Menu -

Gluten Roast Greek 'Klofta' with roast vegetables. 
Roast beetroot with walnut pate. 
Plum and raisin chutney.
A salad of fresh greens. 


Vegan fresh fruit trifle topped with coconut cream. 


Chilled water with borage flowers in  ice cubes.

And because we have an abundance of lemons, with many falling on the ground, we didnt want to see them going to waste. 

21 December 2019

Oh but the heat yesterday.
Here in Ringwood it reached nearly 43 degrees. I think the last time it reached a similar temperature for this time of the year was  over a hundred years ago.  Bushfire smoke made its way across northern Victoria from New South Wales in a southerly direction, so the city was shrouded in smoke. Thus , we were confined indoors most of the day, but I did venture out to document the surrounds. Normally, Mount Dandenong is clearly visible behind the tennis courts. Cheetah didn't seem too concerned, and the bees were thankful for a drink.

The smoke haze imparted a strange, orange glow  on all surfaces outdoors....

Ambrose captured the sun as it lay low in the sky late in the day. 
Such a day is extremely out of the ordinary for December. 
In a word - disturbing.

10 December 2019

This afternoon. ....peaceful light filtering into the lounge room. 
Picked up a royal doulton teapot at savers this morning. On arriving home, gave it a bit clean with bicarb soda after which it came up so shiny and brilliant. 

7 December 2019

maggie standing on gaurd at the 'castle' front gate

Agapanthus ready to burst into bloom.

Insects galore relishing in the sweet nectar emitted from the abundance of parsley seed heads

Recent bake - dairy free peach and nectarine tart topped with pistachios.

5 December 2019

the garden today.