21 December 2019

Oh but the heat yesterday.
Here in Ringwood it reached nearly 43 degrees. I think the last time it reached a similar temperature for this time of the year was  over a hundred years ago.  Bushfire smoke made its way across northern Victoria from New South Wales in a southerly direction, so the city was shrouded in smoke. Thus , we were confined indoors most of the day, but I did venture out to document the surrounds. Normally, Mount Dandenong is clearly visible behind the tennis courts. Cheetah didn't seem too concerned, and the bees were thankful for a drink.

The smoke haze imparted a strange, orange glow  on all surfaces outdoors....

Ambrose captured the sun as it lay low in the sky late in the day. 
Such a day is extremely out of the ordinary for December. 
In a word - disturbing.

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