19 December 2023

Tuesday mood.

Alone with online lectures and a sleeping feline by my side.

Solitary study so suits my personality. 

Morning tea break.

Chair pads made using some offcuts from my fabric stash. Bringing the outdoor colours into the living area makes such a difference. The continuity of outdoor colours with the  chair pads emphasises the garden scene outside. 


6 December 2023

 Outside today documenting artistic processes for uni. 

So much exploring in fact that the box pictured above, ended up as saturated pieces in the compost heap. 

A good days work and happy with the insights and discoveries. Kaatje, always by my side, took the opportunity to grab the only cushioned seat available while I was preoccupied with photographing. So I was relegated to another seat to work at. I think I ought to teach that cat some skills in etiquette. 

28 November 2023

Beautiful cumulus clouds with a hint of cirrostratus hovering in the upper atmosphere this evening. 


27 November 2023

A cool spring morning

Home alone today. Started the day cleaning the shower, vacuuming the house, bins emptied and washing on the line. Then sat down for a cuppa and the tradesman visited unannounced, which meant I had to abandon my morning tea for a while. Even Kaatje was growling. Haha. 

Fortunately he didn't stay long, and I could return to my morning soiree with Kaatje.

But first some photography. 

Stratus clouds overhead, and light winds. 

The outlook looks good for my washing.

And a loose arrangement of my hand made papers into a book form. As yet I am undecided as to how it will be bound, so I will give it some time and thought. 


24 November 2023

Rain on the horizon, but managed to finish a paper making session before the onslaught.
Paper soaked a few days prior, a handmade mould and deckle, strips of old sheeting and a few large vessels to hold the water and we were ready to go. 

Pulp. There was a lot of it.

Kaatje inquisitively observes the magical brew. 

Experimental materials include dried plant matter. 

Mille made a few sheets of her own.....

....and sprinkled the surface with crumbled rose petals.

Now the rain has arrived, but all is complete. The paper now sits overnight under a heavy weight, and tomorrow the results will be revealed.

23 November 2023

One of the entrances to Sir Phryganoporus Candidas's abode 


Hard to capture, a beautiful, but not very nice,  Cuckoo Wasp. Known to parasite off other wasps to raise their young.