30 May 2019

Cold day, cold day. Such a contrast to the unseasonable warm weather of two weeks ago.
Have no words to say about the election , only the result  beggars belief.
Sour dough in the oven to warm the house up a bit. 
Washing overdue so drying inside on the clothes horse. 
About the paintings..... Edwin's impressionistic landscape in contrast to my abstract cloudscape. 
Now I must leave this post as I'm in an unheated area of the house and my hands are freezing.

18 May 2019

sunny morning election day. hoping it's a good one, for the environment, for the common man , 
for hope

7 May 2019

slow autumn days

To the little indoor forest on the windowsill I have added carrot tops planted in soil which I anticipate will  grow into grow into small ferns.

Warming up the interiors with colour from outside for decoration. Picked from outside,  the  berries of the pittosporum tree look great . The orange colour  is not too overwhelming but subtle, but look best when the leaves are removed.. 

2 May 2019

After a damp and rainy walk along the Dandenong Creek trail, 

 this person is very grateful for a steaming hot cup of chocolate. 

The Receipt

In a saucepan combine 1 cup of non dairy milk, 1 tablespoon of cocoa, 1 tablespoon of dark chocolate and 1 heaping teaspoon of coconut sugar. Bring to the boil, serve in glass mugs topped with frothed milk,  and sprinkle with drinking chocolate. 
Serve alongside vegan marshmallows and a favourite book.