26 March 2019

Camilles plant collection bathed in the  morning eastern sunlight.  
'tis beautiful.

25 March 2019

Cleaning becomes a pleasure when you're on the receiving end of such lovely scents.

.... perusing the supermarket today for natural, safe cleaning brands, but dissapointed by the scent and the plastic bottles , not to mention the price of some of these environmentally safe cleaning products. This afternoon I tried a recipe , one of many that  I found online that i tweaked a bit to my own satisfaction. The formula is quite effective due to the inclusion of baking soda and castile soap, whilst also smelling fresh; tea tree being a powerful antiseptic. I Might however try adding peppermint or eucalyptus oil to this brew another time . 

The Receipt -

2 cups water
2 tablespoons liquid castile soap
30  drops of tea tree oil
20 drops of australian lemon myrtle oil
2 teaspoons vanilla essence
1 tablespoon baking soda

15 March 2019

another lovely autumn day. 
camille is out on a climate march in the cbd, and ive been pottering about with some overdue task s at home. .....cleaning the floors, fixing my rope mat, and caring for the houseplants. .....potted up a new boston fern for milles room , and ed made a hemp flour loaf. 

7 March 2019

 Perfect sunny day today. 
Really appreciate it all the more so after the gruelling heatwave of last week.. Plants in the living room are thriving, due to more time devoted to misting the leaves. Amazing what a difference this makes to the health of the plants.  A new addition to the family -  a juvenile string of nickles which I found online from a local supplier. Chosen for it's lovely shaped leaf and trailing habit, it will be a pleasure to watch it grow and flourish.
Baked some hob nobs today for the fam, the first time I have tried this recipe. The cook of course gets first choice,  and i can report the recipe is a winner. 

3 March 2019

what else is there to do during a heatwave but to enjoy healthy desserts that  require no cooking.....

Blueberry and cashew cheesecake with coconut cream frosting and cacao nibs.

A brief wander around the backyard in 36 degrees heat, makes coming back inside to a 30 degree house feel like bliss.....
Watching the bees for a few minutes, while they sip on the vital stuff of life, is satisfying...they  really appreciate some water left out for them.
Looking forward to the approaching cooler weather.