9 April 2020

If Thoreau could see us now....

Thank God man cannot fly and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.’ Henry David Thoreau.

A Recent article from the Gaurdian states-

’An Iata spokesman said: “It is true that because of demand from people in developing economies to enjoy the same benefits of flying as those in rich countries, aviation emissions growth is currently faster than our efficiency gains.’

‘The total increase over the past five years was equivalent to building about 50 coal-fired power plants, the ICCT calculated. The study shows the UK is responsible for 4% of global aviation CO2 emissions, behind only the US (24%) and China (13%).’

I discovered through my research, that the aviation industry was expected to to produce 900 million tonnes of co2 this year. Given the current circumstances, It will be interesting to see the outcome .
It’s been wonderful however, to see the polluted air decreasing in highly industrialised places in the world such as China and India.....the wildlife returning to areas that used to be bustling with human activity. While earth enjoys a reprieve at the moment, it will be all back to business as usual before we know it sadly. 

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